Sunday, October 30, 2011


Last night we surprised my cousin for his birthday. It was one of the weirdest things my family has ever done (no one can keep a secret in my family so this was very odd...). But nevertheless, it worked, for the most part. He was a bit suspicious about why he had to go to my other cousin's house (because she was "lonely") but I think we got him pretty good.
Honestly, he deserves some happiness right now. The kid is only 15 and he lost his dad last year. It's been tough, but he's so damn strong. And I'm pretty ashamed of myself really. I should have realized that he was a good kid very early on; I can't believe it took my uncle dying for me to see it.
The thing about my cousin is that, even though he can be steadfast in his beliefs, he gets that I have different opinions about things. And he respects that my point of view is valid, even though he doesn't agree. That's way more than I can say for the other members of my family.
I've always felt really lucky that my family was so close (especially the cousins), but I am grateful for it now more than ever. We need each other, and I'm starting to see that more and more every day.
So here's to you, Jonny. I'll keep making cracks about how tall you are and your ridiculous passion for school if you keep making fun of my dorky attitude and obsession with Harry Potter.

I love you more than you love your X-Box (yes, that's possible). "It's too late." ;)

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