Thursday, February 9, 2012

Oh Sheesh Y'all

It's been a while. I'm pretty sure I classify myself as a spontaneous blogger, as in, I write when I'm inspired and when I'm not, I just have nothing to say. But lately a lot has happened that has got me realizing how lucky I am and how wonderfully OPEN the prospects of my life are. Let me indulge you:

1. I woke up in the middle of the night some time in January with one ear completely plugged. It was extremely frightening and after a couple of hours, I was legitimately starting to think about being permanently deaf in one ear. (Yes I realize this is overdramatic, but my mind goes to some really strange places okay?) Anyway, I went to the doctor, who basically just told me I hadn't been cleaning my ears the right way (there's a way to clean your ears?) and that too much wax had built up. (TMI?) I'll spare you the details, but suffice it to say, I have my hearing back and now fully appreciate all sounds and noises, no matter how harsh, crass, or downright awful.

2. I FINALLY PICKED A MAJOR!!! I've been struggling with this shit for a very long time and I honestly am still not 100% sure, but at this point I never will be. Ladies and gents, you're looking at an English major. (AmericanLit? Comparitive Lit? Still have no effing clue. But at least I decided.) My dad is against this decision. In fact, my entire family will be against this decision, once they find out. Every single one of my cousins/family members has a) attended UCLA, b) become a doctor or is training to become a doctor, c) is a math&science genius. I am none of these things and never will be. And that's okay. Hey, I'll be poor for the rest of my life, but at least I'll be doing something I love. Right? Right. (Right?)

3. I became really close with two unbelievably amazing girls. Honestly I don't know how I've gone so long not knowing Abbi and Leila because they are me and I am them. That makes sense right? I mean, I must have friggin knew them in another life or something. True, I am constantly cockblocked by the more or less 10 states in between us, but there's texting and social networking, so for now it's all good.

4. My obsession with P&R has turned into a full-blown all-consuming infatuation. It's not funny, it's very serious. I should see someone about this...
This is my Parks face. That alone should tell you that something is very wrong. Help.

5. I will be, for the 18th time in a row, Valentine-less. But fuck all that. Happy Anna Howard Shaw Day!

6. I went to a library recently that had old magazines from the 90s. I flipped through the July '93 issue of Seventeen, and DAMN. Times were different. And not just different styles and ways of talking. The models actually looked like normal-sized girls. I mean, it's crazy right? They also had a 6-page spread about a girl with an eating disorder and how terrible it was for her. If this doesn't give you 90s nostalgia then I don't know what the fuck will.

7. I read Mindy Kaling's FLAWLESS book.

Attention people reading this: if you are interested in comedy in any way, shape, or form, pick up that motherfucking book and read your heart out. I was so inspired by Mindy's story, especially because it's almost exactly the same as mine. Immigrant parents, modest childhood, extremely awkward adolescence, comedy nerd from a young age, and aspiring writer. She fascinates me and after reading the book I feel like her sister or that co-worker you always hang out with who calls you "bitch" and goes shopping with you. READ IT.

8. I'm getting a Mac very soon. So I'll need tutorials like never before, seeing as I've been a PC's bitch my entire life.

I think that's about it. The past few months have been pretty good to me, and on Monday I start a new quarter at school. I'll probably be a bit busier than I was in this quarter because I'm going from one class at 10 in the morning to 4 classes starting at 8 in the morning. Oy. So if the next post doesn't come for a while, you'll know where I've gone. Or I'm dead... I'll leave you to ponder that.

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