Friday, April 20, 2012

Pride and/or Prejudice

Last night I had to go see a play for my English class. I was waiting for my dad to come pick me up, but there was traffic so I knew it'd take a while. I started talking to a girl who I had previously gotten to know from my class who was also waiting for her ride, and eventually the subject came to boys and dating.

She asked me, "So do you have a boyfriend?"

"No, I don't." For some reason--maybe because it was really late and I was tired, or maybe because I just wanted to talk about this and confirm what I always just discussed in my head--I added, "Never had one, actually."

I expected a certain reaction. And I got it.

"Never? Oh my god." By the look on her face, I could easily have told her I'd had a pregnancy scare. "You've never even hooked up with a guy? Not even at prom?"


I guess she realized it would sound bad if she acted completely shocked, so she added, somewhat unconvincingly, "Aw, that's so sweet. You're like a little virgin baby." I laughed awkwardly and then changed the subject to her love life, which she launched into with great enthusiasm.

I should state first and foremost that I'm not angry. This girl is actually really nice and kind and although we're not great friends, I do respect her and enjoy her company. She's a good person.

But this conversation kind of stuck with me.

No, I've never had a boyfriend. I've never even really had a real kiss. (I don't count a game of Spin the Bottle at a girl's birthday party when I was 12.) And yeah, sometimes this bothers me. Sometimes I can't help but wonder, "What am I doing wrong?" I hardly know anyone who hasn't at least been asked out at one point in his/her life. I certainly see more than a fair share of couples around campus and LA in general. Most of my friends are, or have been, in relationships. So, yeah, you can bet that my mind will go to the assumption that there's gotta be something I'm doing that's drawing guys away and make me think, "Is it me?"

But you know what? It's also kind of okay. Maybe I haven't had tons of luck in the love department, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to try and transform who I am so that this changes. I like who I am. I like how I look. I like my personality. And if no guys have really noticed that yet, well they haven't really been paying attention, have they? I know I'll find someone. It's just a matter of when.

Being in a relationship ain't exactly as wonderful as they make it out to be on TV anyways. I adore Ben/Leslie, Jim/Pam, etc. just as much as the next TV addict, but the fact is that relationships are not all lovey dovey cuteness and making out and flirting on Facebook for the world to see. Maybe I don't have what this girl has, but I think I know a thing or two about love. And love is not being with a guy just so that you can be able to say yes and smile demurely when people ask you if you have a boyfriend.

It's okay that she reacted the way she did. We were raised differently. We have different ideas of love and compassion. She even said she's got a few "fuck buddies" on the side. I, on the other hand, could not contemplate a one-night stand if my life was on the line.

I have faults. I don't need to list them, but I hope you believe me when I say this. I do have faults. I acknowledge them. And maybe these faults keep me a step behind girls like the one I talked to last night. But if there's one thing I know, it's that I have strength and self-respect and happiness, and somewhere, someday, someone will realize this and not only respect it, but love me for it. Until that happens, I'm perfectly content saying that no, I have never had a boyfriend, or a fuck buddy, or even a possible love interest. Because I know that it'll happen. And more importantly, I know that it's nothing to be ashamed of.

*Disclaimer: I am not trying to judge this kind of lifestyle or say people who have sex are in any way wrong. I simply wanted to state that this is not the way I go about my life. That's all.

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