Sunday, November 6, 2011

This Thanksgiving, I am homeless.

Every Thanksgiving, my sisters, my parents and I all go to my mom's family's house. They live a couple hours away and we hardly ever see them, but it because of these people that Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.

They are such a huge contrast from the other side of family, whom I see all the time. Literally all the time. We all live within 5 blocks of each other. And while I love them to death, I so look forward to seeing my mom's side. They make the traditional Thanksgiving food. They get that this is an all-American holiday deserving of an all-American feast. And not only that, but they are all such loving, wonderful people and I just feel so happy when I'm in the same room as them. I always feel so lucky to be a part of that family during the Thanksgiving nights that we're together.

Needless to say, we won't be going this year. My mom's cousin, who hosts the event at her house, has a daughter who recently got married, so they're all going to her new husband's family's house (take a second to let that sink in.) And that leaves me and my family with few options.

We could:

  • Go to my very Persian aunt's house and basically have a Persian dinner.
  • Have our own holiday, which would be incredibly awkward and boring, seeing as Thanksgiving revolves around the concept of a big family.
  • Go to a restaurant. (We did this a couple years back; it was lonely and sad and desolate and I do not want to do that again.)
So yes. We are metaphorically homeless this holiday. And while I am extremely thankful for the family I do have around me, it's pretty much going to be me "metaphorically" holding up a "Will work for Thanksgiving dinner" sign on Nov. 24.

Sigh. Anyone want to adopt us?

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