Sunday, November 27, 2011


So I just saw an article about how, due to the weird bloodline of the British monarchy, William and Kate's firstborn child will undoubtedly be the heir to the throne, whether it's a boy or girl.

And this scared me a little. A poor little kid who isn't even born yet, and his/her future is already planned out for him/her. That's got to be unbearable. Imagine having everything decided for you, your life plastered on the cover of magazine tabloids, your name repeated by millions simply because of your bloodline.

And then I thought about Kate. I mean, she probably knew what she was getting into when she married this guy, right? By saying "I do," she kind of... signed her life away. No, that sounds too dramatic. More like, she gave up certain rights and privacies when she put on that dress and got married in front of the world.

Is it too big a price to pay? Maybe she's stronger than I give her credit for. Maybe she knew exactly what she signed up for. Perhaps all the craziness is worth it for the man she married. I really hope that's true. I guess I just worry about the girl, as well as her future child. Maybe celebrity status isn't exactly what it's cracked up to be.

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